Our Impact

In today's interconnected world, we believe businesses have the responsibility to work toward creating a positive impact through their work and minimizing their carbon footprint. 

We've developed an internal Impact Initiative to lessen the impact our business has on the environment and to give back to the communities that produce and consume the coffees the we roast. Our current impact efforts may be relatively small in scale, but we truly believe that every bit counts. And we're just getting started.

1% to Charity

Beginning in February, 2024 we've committed to donating 1% of our revenue from coffee sales to vetted regional non-profit organizations working in the fields of environmental stewardship and human rights.

It's just one small way we're giving back to the communities that support us and environment we are blessed to call home.

Benefit Organizations:

2o24 Q1 - Sedona Public Library

Past Project - One tree planted for each bag sold.

Commercial agriculture of any kind often leads to some level of deforestation to make room for crops, and restoring forests is a proven technique to mitigate climate change.

As our first major impact initiative, we partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects, a 501-c3 non-profit organization, to help restore forests on a massive scale.

For each bag purchased - whether directly from us or one of our local partners - we purchased a tree for Eden's team to plant. One half of the trees we donate were planted in East Africa, while the other half were planted in Central America.

Thanks to your support, we planted 15,300 trees during the course of this initiative!

Carbon Neutral Shipping

One of the biggest sources of carbon we generate is shipping your coffee to you. That's why we contribute to the Shopify Sustanability Fund to purchase carbon offset credits for every package we ship.

Each shipment's carbon footprint is calculated by size, weight, and distance, and an appropriate donation is made at the end of the month to offset the carbon generated by our shipping.

Donations help fund over 20 vetted carbon sequestration organizations who employ various technologies to capture carbon in our environment.

Like all of our impact initiatves, these initiatves are funded entirely from our own profits and come at no additional cost to our customers.

Learn more about the organizations involved in the Shopify Sustainability Fund

Carbon-neutral shipping on all orders
shipping emissions removed
That's like...
miles driven by an average gasoline-powered car
We fund innovations in...