Chemex 6 Cup Coffeemaker

Chemex 6 Cup Coffeemaker

Chemex Brew Guide

The Gear:

  • 6 Cup Chemex coffeemaker
  • Chemex paper filter
  • Coffee grinder
  • Water kettle
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Your favorite freshly roasted FreeForm Coffee

The Recipe:

  • 6 Cup Chemex
  • 40g/ ~ 6 Tbsp coffee
  • Medium-coarse grind (a little finer than Kosher salt)
  • 200*F / 93* C water
  • 4:30-5:00 total brew time
  • Makes 2 servings

The Brew:

  • Place paper filter in Chemex and rinse with hot water, dump water.
  • Add ground coffee to filter, shake to level grounds.
  • Place Chemex on scale and tare (reset weight to zero).
  • Start timer and pour hot water over grounds in a slow circular motion until scale reads 100 grams.
  • Allow grounds to fully saturate with water for ~30 seconds. Optional: use a tool to gently stir the slurry.
  • At 0:30 – add 180g of water (280g total) in same circular motion.
  • At 1:30 – add 180g of water (460g total) in same circular motion.
  • At 2:30 – add 180g of water (640g total) in same circular motion.
  • Once you’ve reached 640 grams, you’re done pouring. When the coffee finishes dripping, it’s ready!
  • Aim for the entire brewing process to complete in 4:30-5 minutes.
  • If your brew time is shorter, grind finer next time. If it’s longer, grind coarser. Experiment, have fun… it’s just coffee!
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