AeroPress is one of the most versatile, travel-friendly, and durable coffeemakers on the market. It has developed a cult-like following, international competitions, and can brew many different types of coffee many different ways. Below we'll share 8 compelling reasons why every coffee lover should have an AeroPress in their gear kit. If you haven't already, check out our previous post on why AeroPress Go is the ultimate travel coffeemaker.

1. Portability
To me, without a doubt, the number one reason to own an AeroPress is its portability. Once you've fallen down the rabbit hole of specialty coffee, it's pretty tough to slug down burnt, stale coffee from hotel lobbies, ubiquitous coffee chains, or (gasp!) gas stations. As widespread as specialty coffee has become, it can still be hard to find a quality cup of coffee while traveling. Bringing a large or expensive brewer, a mug, paper filters, and a kettle with you is a lot to pack, unpack, and clean. The AeroPress can be thrown in your duffel bag, tossed in a backpack, or stashed in your glove compartment without adding much noticeable weight and all within a self-contained package.

2. All-In-One Design
With an AeroPress, the only additional things you need to bring are coffee and hot water. If you have the space and are so inclined, it's nice to also have a hand grinder (or pre-grind your beans) and a scale, but use the Aeropress a few times at home with scale and you'll be able to approximate pretty closely on the road with just the coffee scoop and volume markers on the tube. A water kettle is also, of course ideal, but unless you're out backpacking, hot water is usually pretty easy to find in your mother-in-law's kitchen, hotel lobbies or even those one cup brewers in a hotel room (without the coffee).

3. Super Easy Clean Up
AeroPress clean up is also a breeze, which is another great feature while traveling. Simply push the plunger all the way through the tub to satisfyingly pop the coffee puck out of the end, give a quick rinse (or even a good wipe) to the rubber end, and you're good until tomorrow. Do find time to gently wash the AeroPress with warm water and soap when you can however, it will maintain the quality of your brew and extend the life of the components.

4. Durability
Not only is the AeroPress the most portable coffee brewer on the market, it may also be the most durable. Made entirely of BPA-free polyproylene and rubber, AeroPress is virtually indestructible in every day brewing. How many fancy glass carafes and brewers have you broken in the sink? Sadly, I've broken more than I can count, and that's what make's the AeroPress' portability so great - you don't ever have to worry about it breaking. And guess what - in the off chance that you do break (or wear out) a component of the brewer, Aeropress graciously sells each and every part as an individual replacement item at a very fair price. Which brings me to my next point...

5. Affordability
The AeroPress is one of the most affordable brewing devices on the market, especially given the number of features it offers. With AeroPress Go, you get a brewing device, 50 paper filters, a filter carrier, a coffee scoop, collapsible stirring stick, and a coffee mug for just over $30! Did you run out of filters? Another stack of 350 filters will set you back five bucks. Pair that with the fact that due to its durability, you won't likely have to purchase one ever again, and it's easy to see why AeroPress makes so much sense from an affordability standpoint.

6. Versatility
How many coffee brewing devices can you experiment with to produce vastly different types of coffee - from espresso to filter coffee, from full bodied to light and bright? Not many, if any. What coffees brewers can you use right side up as well as upside down? Just the AeroPress. The beauty of the versatility is that the AeroPress gives you unlimited opportunity to shake things up and to experiment with different brewing techniques. You'll never get stuck in a rut or routine with AeroPress, that is, unless you want to.

7. Speed
Maybe you're not out traveling, but you're busy and don't have all morning for an elaborate brewing routine. AeroPress is the fastest manual brewing method out there. Depending on your preferred method, a well-brewed cup of coffee can be made in the AeroPress in as little as 3-5 minutes - and that includes prep and cleanup!

8. It simply brews great coffee!
Perhaps the most important reason to own an AeroPress is simply because it brews great coffee. To be sure, great coffee is brewed requires the right technique, but as far as manual brewing devices go, the AeroPress is a foolproof as they come. AeroPress is the coffeemaker that will grow with you throughout your process of learning to make better coffee. It can open up your palate to the unique nuanced flavors of natural processed coffees or satisfy the calling of a rich, rounded cup of comfort. Whatever kind of coffee you're interested in brewing, the AeroPress can do it.
Share your experience
Are you a seasoned AeroPress pro or a newcomer to specialty coffee looking to dabble in manual brewing? Either way, I believe an AeroPress is right for you. Please feel free to share your experiences and preferences brewing with AeroPress in the comments below, on social media, or directly via email. As always, we'd love to hear from you and we're here to support you in making better coffee at home any way we can.
Until next time, happy sipping!